October 09, 2009

Old Yeller

Well here she is, here it is my new Dr.Yellow from Tomix. This sucker is bright thats for sure, the paint job reminds me of a highlighter, but Ive been told it should be that bright. Ive seen some videos of Dr. Yellow's and they kind of look like my model does. plus the color is growing on me lol.

One other good thing has come out of this purchase, I was never into the Series 923 Shinkasen but now Im planning on buying the regular version Series 923 from Kato pretty soon.

I have to say the packaging is certainly not Kato quality, no nice bookcase style packaging or hard plastic box. You get a color sleeve with your model packed in foam with protective plastic.The coupling system is a simple hook and latch type of deal, no prototypical couplers on this one.

The more I look at my Dr. Yellow the more the color is starting to grow on me. Im going to post a Youtube video of a Dr. Yellow and let you be the judge.

I haven't had a chance to run my Dr. Yellow yet but I will real soon.

Update 10/10/09

The strangest thing happened, I took another look at my Dr. Yellow this morning and I'll be a monkeys uncle if the color changed on me. It looks like the light in my room sucks. The color looks like Yellow and not my previous described highlighter yellow color. So be aware of your lighting sources when being critical of model painting.

Dr. Green?

no that's not Dr. Yellow cousin thats what I got in the mail yesterday. I was expecting a yellow train but what showed up was a fluorescent green looking train impersonating my beloved Dr. Yellow. The train looks nothing like the advertised picture Ive seen elsewhere.

October 02, 2009

Looking for Tomix Dr. Yellow

Hey guys Im looking for a Tomix Dr. Yellow set like the one pictured below. If you know where I can find this set at please let me know thanks.

Update: 10/4/09
I got in contact with a store called Popondetta and they had the Doctor Yellow set I wanted in stock. I may pick up the add on set if I find it for a good price someday. I should have my Dr. Yellow sitting on my tracks in a week or so. This is my first Tomix purchase as well so we'll see how this goes. I forgot to mention that I got ti cheaper than where I was originally going to buy it, cant beat that.

September 28, 2009

Yippe Super View Odoriko Add-On arrives

Ive wanted an add-on for my Super View Odoriko for the longest and now its here for me to drool all over.

September 06, 2009

Unitram, Portram, Flim Flam

Unless youve been living under a rock or someplace you've probably heard of Katos new Unitram. Unitram is a new system of interlocking track for their new Tram system. POrtram is the type of tram that Kato has introduced, although Portrams are not new it is new for Kato. Tomix has been marketing Portrams for several months now but does not have a interlocking track system.

Although not a fan of Portrams the seem to have grown on me. Im currently considering ordering a set of Tomix Portrams.
